Why Did My Parents Disappear / Mark Young

Spider-Man suits that 
can scale walls 
are a step closer but
I’m still unable to read 
the emotions of the 
people around me— 
their facial expressions 
& attitudes seem now 
mismatched. Colors 
fragment in a sea
of blue. Our 
indeterministic & 
spatiotemporal world 
is at best metaphorical, 
at worst incoherent. The 
interpretations differ widely.

Mark Young was born in Aotearoa / New Zealand but now lives in a small town in North Queensland in Australia. He is the author of more than sixty books, the most recent of which are with the slow-paced turtle replaced by a fast fish, published by Sandy Press in May, 2023, & a free downloadable pdf of visuals & poems, Mercator Projected, published by Half Day Moon Press in August, 2023.

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